Documented contact with a family of Sasquatch that started in the latter part of 2012. This is after months of ongoing visits, documenting their activity and recording their vocals. This is the real deal, authentic Sasquatch audio recordings.
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Do you think they are interdimensional? Can they be shapeshifters? Could they be a shapeshifter that transforms into a human looking thing and walks right past you?
I know them as interdimensional through hundreds of contact experiences. Native culture knows the real stuff. I believe very much they can be shapeshifters from what I’ve witnessed and my dealings with others sharing their experiences. They’re capable of so much that astounds and shatters our paradigm. The possibilities seem endless with them. They’re always showing something new.
This was the first video I watched on your channel, years ago, Mike. Love it, and every video you’ve ever put out. One of the most fascinating subjects ever, very well expressed in your work. Thank you!
Thanks Syrena 🙂
So amazing. Love what you are doing. Keep up the good work. They were here before us, we need to respect them.
I think the creature burps at 8 minutes and 34 seconds into the recording. Really! listen at 8:29 to grasp the sequence of sounds then listen at 8:34 through 8:35 as what sounds to me like a nice gaseous burp =)