Sasquatch activity is subtle for the most part although anything at anytime is possible. When searching for truth, don’t expect anything except the unexpected or you’ll end up in frustration. They run the show.
Contact shows there’s an intelligence beyond our perception that has been watching and interacting with those they choose, revealing an unknown existence that surrounds us at all times. Being exposed to an unknown reality is a humbling experience that will shift one’s perception as it reveals something we’ve never been taught. It goes against everything we’ve been led to believe. There’s a stigma built around Sasquatch, ET’s and UFO’s, that anyone who believes in this sort of thing is off their rocker! Those of us who know, those experienced see it the other way around although we’ve come a long way, growing numbers of people more open to the possibilities. Experience gives insight and answers, lends support to more questions and shows that we’re playing a very small part in a much bigger picture. We’re children taking our first steps as a greater unknown exposes itself, reaches out and lends a helping hand to gaining more understanding of the unknown.
Sasquatch are highly intelligent, have a playful humorous side that’s consistent with their interactions, something that reveals itself in the above audio clip. This type of behaviour is a general consensus with the many that I’ve spoken with over the years who’ve experienced the ongoing interactions of the forest folk. They’re funny and they know it. Humour is huge with them and they have many ways of showing it.
I’ve used audio recording on all my visits from day one, it’s my forte, my go to for learning Sasquatch behaviour and something that has given me the understanding of their presence through their purposeful actions. Sasquatch activity shows up in numerous forms but audio is one of my favourites as I’m enthralled with their voice, vocals that have a profound effect when experienced in real time, especially in such close proximity!
The above audio file shows a subtle expression of Sasquatch presence, something that is common with their activity when revealing their existence to those they choose to make contact with. It doesn’t matter who’s around, they wouldn’t have any inkling of their presence unless they were exposed to it personally and given ongoing experiences that reveal Sasquatch presence. Nef and family have shown countless times they understand our language, they understand our equipment, the audio recording, the cameras, phones, etc. They know what the equipment is used for and they have the knowing of how to manipulate those electronics to their advantage. Their actions consistently show an intelligence that will leave one humbled and in awe.
In the above audio file you can hear Dwayne and myself, we’re the only two humans present. We’re outside, it’s 4:15am and we’re walking on the gravel road outside the cottage towards my vehicle. I have a sunroof where I run audio extension microphones through that sit on the roof of my vehicle with the recorder placed on my car seat. The two of us are walking together towards the car but there’s a third voice present, one that we’re not aware of at the time. At the ten second mark there’s a clear purposely placed “cough” (however you wish to describe it) very close to the audio mics. You can hear a large lung capacity even with that abrupt short vocal and we’re none the wiser. It’s what the Sasquatch do, it’s their behaviour, how they reveal their presence knowing that we’ll hear it after the fact. We’re making too much noise with the gravel scuffing underneath our feet as we walk towards my car. You easily hear us moving across the gravel road, we’re literally a few short seconds away from the audio mics and there’s no sound from Mr. Sasquatch leaving. He’s still right there.
Sasquatch will strategically place their perfectly timed actions in a way that always seems to be methodical, their timing impeccable, always. As subtle as this action was, it was still blatantly obvious when I sat at home listening to the playback. Standing right there giving sign of their presence at the same time we walk up to the vehicle and see nothing. This is a common occurrence with ongoing contact experience. They control the activity and allow their presence to be known in many ways, their choice.

Hi Mike,
Glad to see that you’re back. I listen avidly to your talks and watch your videos from my home in central France feeling extremely envious of you and your friendship with Nephatia and family. I wish we had sasquatch here, but have to admit that when I call my cats in on dark nights I’m always a bit scared in case a great big giant waiks out of the forest to come and say “Hi!”….. Their voices, when I first heard them 2 years ago when I found your site, provoked such deep feelings of recognition in me, that they brought tears of joy flooding down my face and laughter to my soul. A strange reaction, but it has never gone away… There are more things in and about this earth than we can ever know of, until we leave this earth one day when, finally, all the truths will be revealed…. Thanks for all you do, and thanks for sharing Nef with us…
I too feel the same as Pat.
“Well said, Pat”
I can do no better & will not try.
Ron M.
Washington State USA
I appreciate that Pat thanks 🙂 I understand the reaction and It shows there’s a deeply profound connection. Nef’s voice has a resonance that affects many people.
Once you’ve experienced as much as Dwayne and myself, there’s no going back. I only wish to make the right choices and hope that my contact only increases throughout the rest of my life.
So grateful you’ve returned to youtube! Your channel has truly awakened me and taught me to appreciate their enormous spiritual presence…thank you, thank you, thank you! Much love and peace.
Website looks great! I’m a Sasquatch Ontario and Fir & Cedar subscriber. I really appreciate the intelligent way the subject is being treated. I’ve learned a lot, thank you 🙂
Glad to see your posting again I started watching your channel about a year and half ago and I to am in Ontario all though I have not had any encounters or interactions since being here. I moved here a year and half ago from British Columbia where I had my first encounter and several encounters after that and it’s somthing I don’t go a day with out thinking about and am planning on making the drive back out to b.c just for this reason to have more encounters and activity happen with me so I can grow and learn what I can from it. I know in my heart your a truth seeker as am I and there has been to many strange things happen for me to not keep seeking and best wishes to you with yours as well.
Hey Dustin, thanks and yes, I am a truth seeker without fear or denial. You don’t have to drive back to B.C. to find their activity. Send me an email through the contact on here and I can help.