What I’m about to share with you is way out there (considering that this article is posted in a MUFON newsletter, perhaps not so out there for many reading this!). What I’ve learned is beyond comprehension for many folks who cling to our current “status quo” and the imposed views of mainstream science, that has largely ignored and even shunned the idea that we have a large bipedal hominid type species living throughout the forests of North America and beyond. I encourage you to read on as this is above and beyond the “norm” of what most Bigfoot field researchers accept and pursue. As Friedrich Nietzsche once said, ”when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.”

An open mind is imperative if one chooses to pursue this mystery with any over indulgence. In my opinion, seek truth long enough and eventually it’s going to show up. Pursue this matter and you may end up like myself – so far down the proverbial rabbit hole that there’s no coming back. I’m forever changed and I’m comfortable with that. It was back in 2008 when it happened; the defining moment where my life stepped into the abyss. It was that single moment that opened the door to infinite possibility, unexpected and surreal.

I’m a nature enthusiast, love the woods, the smell of lush green foliage, the sounds of the forest coming to life as darkness blends into light and the birds charm their way into my heart and soul with their mesmerizing calls. The woods hold magic, nature’s energy. It’s pure, it’s palpable, raw and glorious. We’re all connected to the earth, some more sensitive than others to the fluctuations of its unseen energies. There are moments of interaction within those woods, the earth’s creatures are everywhere! Just because you can’t see them, doesn’t mean they’re not there. With enough time spent in the woods, one can feel the energy and the subtle changes occurring all around.

Through my own personal ongoing experiences, I can relate to Nietzsche completely. When it comes to the existence of this elusive cryptid, there’s a growing number of people throughout the global population who’ve had personal experiences that have brought the subject of Sasquatch out of the depths of denial and into the forefront of their own personal existence. Their lives are forever changed by experiences once believed to be nothing more than folklore, now a new found reality in their own personal lives! Many are left visibly shaken by something that isn’t supposed to exist, a sudden shock to their psyche – just as my own initial up close vocal encounter experience gave me back on October 25th, 2008.

Even when one has had a first hand encounter, denial tends to set in that can leave one in shock, unable to process in the moment of occurrence. It’s something that takes time, each of us differing in our initial and post reaction to our new found understanding and how we process that. For me personally, it took about two weeks of denial even when I KNEW what it was in the moment that altered the course of my life. It’s interesting to objectively view one’s own reaction, seeing the denial – even though one is completely confident in the source of that experience. Even without a visual, there are experiences that give away what the source is, undeniable moments of clarity. Where it happened was the most unexpected of places, as I had no idea that we do indeed have a population of Sasquatch here in Ontario, Canada and they’re not that rare at all.

This was all new to me, completely unexpected and a new found interest that has given me a whole new perspective on our perceived reality. What I’m sharing here goes far beyond that, something my own personal experiences over the past dozen years of ongoing Sasquatch field research have given me. An insight beyond most who delve into this highly enigmatic phenomenon in their search for answers, I’ve been blessed with ongoing encounter incidents that have shaped my understanding of reality and given me a rare look into the truth of Sasquatch existence. This steps outside the confines of academia and what we’re led to believe through conventional teachings (that in my opinion tend to shun anyone who thinks outside the box and challenges the status quo).

There’s many involved in this highly controversial research at this time, mainly south of the border, where it’s a highly competitive game of who can get the best supporting evidence or land one of the cookie cutter television shows, most showing Bigfoot in a negative monster portrayal. Here in Ontario, the subject has its following, but it’s a vast difference from our American friends where a plethora of conferences, gatherings, television shows and paraphernalia consume those who live and breathe this subject.

Here in Ontario, it’s still relatively unknown. I believe this is partly because folks who do believe in the existence of Sasquatch think that one needs to visit the west coast for any chance encounter with the Sasquatch. I used to think the same – that Sasquatch encounters were strictly west coast, not knowing the extent that this is actually a global phenomenon, with much of their activity here in the province of Ontario! With a quarter of a million lakes and a seemingly endless expanse of forested and mainly unexplored territory, the habitat is there to house and hide an intelligent, sentient and sapient species.

The premise of small groups possibly being found only in remote mountainous regions is old school and outdated. The truth is: Sasquatch can be found in the most unlikeliest of places. This I know from first hand experience. For the most part, many people cling to the old school paradigm, on what they perceive to be an offshoot of Gigantopithecus Blacki (an extinct genus of ape from the early to middle Pleistocene of southern China). I won’t even get into the specifics of that as my experiences over the past dozen years have given me a solid knowing that they are NOT an offshoot of Giganto, but rather something much more intelligent and interesting, an enigma that when experienced up close and personal, challenges our human construct.

Everything adapts to its environment and most of it knows to avoid humans. Our track record speaks volumes. The destruction we leave in our wake, perpetual war, the poisoning of the environment (everything, the land, air, water, etc), the clear cutting and decimation of old growth forests and the destruction of fragile ecosystems that are home in some cases to endemic species, wiped from the earth forever. There’s a complete lack of responsibility in preserving what’s disappearing at an exponential rate. We kill what we fear or what we don’t understand and we eat up resources to never satisfy the greed of the corporate world. There’s good reason why certain species avoid humans like the plague.

Sasquatch are a species that have an intelligence unlike anything else we know, their connection to the earth as one. They are the epitome of “don’t judge a book by its cover.” The typical understanding of the majority involved in this subject (at this time) who’ve stuck to the old school narrative is that while many are convinced they do indeed exist, their structure is one of conventional understanding. A biological entity that has fully adapted to its environment with a superior understanding of how to avoid humans. While this is correct, it’s only a partial insight into how they’re able to continue to hold the status of a “mythical creature” and keep the science world from taking their existence seriously.

Some involved in the science world are in the know and accepting of their existence, some even knowing that there’s more going on here than meets the eye. Mainstream science needs to open up the doors to this shrouded mystery that has permeated throughout our history. Once accepted and recognized, I can foresee significant changes that will occur in the future that will benefit both the earth and the human race.

Human consciousness is on the expansion and my own personal experiences with Sasquatch contact have given me insight into the potential and positive change this “discovery” can bring that will benefit all. There’s good reason why there are no bones or remains ever found to solidify their existence and satisfy mainstream science. There are some involved who’ve brought significant supporting evidence to the table, but it tends to be highly controversial and unaccepted as something that will help propel this enigma into the forefront of the science world.

To understand who and what the Sasquatch are, truly takes a situation like I’ve personally been involved with to grasp how they’ve been able to avoid humans with such expertise, the champions of hide and go seek! I’m an experienced field researcher, a dozen years under my belt with eight of those years interacting with and documenting a family of Sasquatch here in Ontario. The reality of these elusive giants steps outside the realm of conventional understanding and into the world of quantum physics. Yes, I said quantum physics!

With hundreds of ongoing encounters experienced since I started this journey back in 2008, my knowledge acquired is extensive through a passive approach with good intentions and simple curiosity. Fear played a large role in the beginning but that’s minimized over time through the ongoing incidents that continue to show up in my life. The premise of Sasquatch existence in past decades has always been a biological entity that has mastered the art of staying hidden from prying eyes. While that’s true in some sense, I’ve learned differently and I’ve been very open about my experiences – something that has brought me much harassment, stalking and ridicule over the years. I refuse to give up as I see the potential of this discovery and the benefit it can have on a grand scale for the greater good.

Native culture is on board with Sasquatch truth – always has been – yet the white man has chosen to dismiss what they assume is simply folklore. Native culture respects the land and the Shy-man who inhabit the forests with their symbiotic connection to the earth. They’ve learned the Shyman have abilities that defy logic and how we view reality. Sasquatch have abilities that change our entire perspective on reality. They are interdimensional ancient human-type beings (that my experience shows is still biological) who have an astounding mindspeak ability, as well as an inherent ability to change their vibration or frequency, become completely invisible and move through solid objects (walls) which has been experienced through visits indoors both on location and at home.

Their invisibility has been shown to me through countless incidents of physical contact both indoors and out. They’re able to manipulate the space-time continuum, which has been witnessed on many occasions using objects pushed through empty space into this reality (something that’s called “Apports”). I’ve had two incidents in which they slowly pushed a marble through empty space in front of my eyes (within arm’s reach) till it popped through and dropped into this dimension (I’ve had a vast number of incidents of marbles from thin air, but two where I was witness to them appearing out of thin air, shown to me purposely).

I’m not the only one experiencing these fascinating occurrences. There’s a growing number of Bigfoot researchers throughout North American and beyond (Australia has the Yowie, the Almas or Snowman in Russia, Yeren in China, etc.) who are having similar experiences that have changed the way they approach this subject. This is why Sasquatch are still, in some aspects, labeled a myth. It’s their highly advanced consciousness, their cognizant abilities with an understanding of the energies and how to utilize them to their advantage. They know things about energy that we don’t. There are cases in which they’ve been witnessed coming and going from UFO’s.

There is a connection to the whole UFO/ET phenomenon, something that I’d bet the farm will eventually come to be known as we progress and evolve our understanding of the true reality of our place in the universe and the incredible diversity of life still to be discovered here on earth. I have a website called sasquatchontario.com. I started this years back when I first became interested in the subject after an epiphany one day while alone in the woods. I now believe that thought was planted by the forest folk (it just happened out of the blue one day as I spent much of my time alone photographing nature), as I’ve learned through my experiences that their astounding abilities are unprecedented in comparison to anything else we know.

Sasquatch consciousness is far advanced in comparison to humans. I’ve kept an open mind throughout this journey, something needed if one wishes to expand on their understanding of what we’re truly dealing with. My encounters at this point have added up to where it’s become the main course of my existence. I’m involved at a level of contact that from my understanding, is the most advanced Sasquatch/Human contact situation publicly known. There may be more advanced contact in this subject, but it’s not publicly known.

What has made mine stand out among the countless others are the vocals I’ve been able to document, working with a property owner that invited me to investigate purported activity back in 2008. They’re unlike anything else out there – with incidents of direct verbal communication – that show a developing relationship with a family of Sasquatch who’ve allowed me to continually document my experiences over the course of the past eight years. I have a YouTube channel (Sasquatch Ontario) with a number of videos posted publicly that show some incredible supporting evidence of their astounding abilities, their intelligence and especially their voice.

Their vocals have been something that have grown in the hearts of many, as one individual who’s been the most vocally predominant (Nef), has allowed himself to be heard in ways that show the diversity, range and impressive vocal outbursts and shine light on his boisterous antics. I’ve learned the Sasquatch show much humour in their activity and interactions with humans. This is something that is consistent with many folks I’ve personally dealt with over the years who have similar situations of ongoing contact, even at their homes.

There’s a semblance of aggression that’s taken the wrong way by many who encounter them. It’s a matter of understanding their behaviour, something I’ve been privy to, through hundreds of ongoing encounter experiences along with a substantial library of audio recordings. They have allowed me to learn about their behaviour and how they interact with humans. At this point in my journey I’m able to help others understand their own experiences, some who’ve buried them deep within over decades, for fear of ridicule in speaking out about what they know to be their truth.

The subject of Sasquatch and the UFO/ET phenomena are related to each other, intertwined as the earth is to all its inhabitants, as everything is in existence; all connected, all one.

Mike Paterson


  • Very well done Mike. Perfect, in fact. I wouldn’t say my interaction is less or more than yours. Mine is just unique. I’ve actually been guided to esoteric information about magnetism and vortex fields. I had a number, 327, that kept showing up in my life until I payed attention to it. Then a visit to the Montana Vortex revealed what it was about. You need to write a book Mike, as it seems, you have a very strong ability for writing. Check out my new book Sasquatch Shaman of the Woods. A documentation of my journey and it’s implications. On a side note, I just recorded vocals that went off and on all night on the 4th of May, 2021. I will be posting that as soon as I get it together. I also saw a UFO that night and had a couple of visitors in my campsite. Take care my friend.

    • Awesome, thanks for sharing that Russell. Sounds like you have something very similar going on. I love when others speak out as the more of us that do, the stronger we become. This can only be dismissed by mainstream science for so long before they’re going to have to acknowledge it. Would love to hear that audio. Please send me a link when you do post it! Thanks for the heads up on your book, hopefully many get to read it!

  • A leader in the truth for Bigfoot. Thank you Mike for your time and tirelessly research, bringing us hope that thier is Something To Believe In

  • This piece of you is directly in sync with my beliefs about these beings. I do not go into the woods but am a believer. I am interested in knowing whether this creature appeared on earth with all current capabilities or was a true animal that was UPGRADED to capabilities that must be from another world. Were they used to serve the needs of the extraterrestials that likely preceded humans on earth. The fact that they are seen often in relationship to ORBS and more traditional UFO’s is of GREAT interest to me. The ORBS seem to serve them well even if for no more than helping them escape or disappear from mere feet away from those interrupting their life. There is at least one account of a squatch appearing from a suspended UFO’s door.

    • Interesting questions and thoughts Randy, I hope to get answers at some point. I have had two UFO incidents 15 days apart that I could tell were given puropsely, right in my path. I’m fully convinced it’s all connected.

  • Mike..so well written..this blanket of truth that you have placed on our shoulders. You continue to shine the light on the machinations of those who would continue to hide the truth. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for revealing the truth to myself and others ❤Much respect Brother

    • Thanks Carrie, I greatly appreciate all who support my efforts. I’m just wanting truth like most, it just happens to be a bit too out there for many, but truth is truth!