They’re revealing their existence, bits of knowledge from the unknown, one step at a time.
A firm touch that leaves no doubt, a footprint strategically placed, a branch break close by, or a tree pushover just outside your camp. A rock tossed or an item suddenly appears…or disappears. Strange lights in the forest and always impeccable timing, with everything. A gift left where they know you’ll see it. A whisper next to you, or a visit in a dream with clarity and a knowing. Humour and variety, always something new, always changing.
This is their behaviour, it’s consistent everywhere, global. Some know it, most don’t. We can all learn.
Sasquatch show their presence in bits and pieces, fleeting moments, things to make you think and scratch your head in wonderment, gently pushing you with mind expanding experiences, to wake you and have you realize.
Sasquatch are a myth because they have knowledge beyond our concept of reality, they hide easily and expose themselves purposely, with precision. Forget what you’ve been taught to deny…or keep wasting your time, it’s your choice, It’s always your choice. You live by your choices. We define our existence by our choices.
So much fear involved (which is understandable). They’re not rare and they’re not harming you when you walk in their home. You call it an attack yet you’re still here. If they wanted to harm you, you’re not getting away. They can show up literally anywhere, their abilities allow them to traverse unlike anything we know. So many search for them and they know, they see us. They teach their children about us, preparation for future contact with humans. They come close to us, unseen, because they can. They have light hearts, their humour persistent. They’re melded with nature, completely connected. I’m a child taking my first steps and they’re holding my hand. They’re the elder, they’re the teacher, we just need to be open and pay attention. Don’t brush off those moments that make you question reality, don’t fear! Be open to receiving, or deny them, always your choice.
So many want to prove existence when we already know they exist. Some want a dead body, they want to harm them to prove what we already know, that they exist. They want to kill them! It’s a sick thought and if you have that thought, you need to take a deep look within, make the choice , wake up and evolve yourself. Just imagine if they did the same to you, took your family member, how would you feel? Kill your family to prove you exist. Take away a father, a mother, a daughter or son, a family member because you wanted to prove they exist. We already know they exist. They’re human, just different. We’re all connected. They hold answers. Make friends, hold good intention towards them, you’ll gain so much more. Be kind towards them, you’ll go much further. Make the effort, it’s worth it. Kill them and you’ll be despised for the rest of your life (or worse), a mistake you’ll wish you never made, so don’t make that mistake. Good intentions go so much further. Make the better choice.
When they give you contact and you see what they’re capable of, your intentions may change, depending on your initial intent. Mine was the photo of a life time. I don’t care about that anymore, I care about building a relationship with friendship and trust, and that’s where I am. There’s no ego with them, just truth. They’re wise, they understand us. They have much to share. Patience is an integral part of their teaching, baby steps.
They’re subtle in the most blatant ways, uninhibited. They like to mess with us, teach as they expose themselves to you, showing you trust as they keep showing up. I question my own choices at times, wondering if I’m giving away too much, but they keep showing up because they know my heart. I try to make the right choices for myself and accept it as it is. Patience and an open mind. Sasquatch truth changes everything.
I believe this is all meant to be shared, so I do, I speak about my experiences without fear because I know they know I’m telling the truth, without embellishment. That’s what matters to me, that they know. You can’t lie to them, they’ll know. You simply can’t, there is no other option. They live with truth. They’re connected with everything. There is no corruption or greed with them. There is no destruction of the earth. They’re symbiotic with nature as the sun is to the earth, the earth to the sun. We’re detached, they aren’t. Nature is key.
Once you know the Sasquatch, you’ll never ever look at reality as you once did, and they’ll make sure of it.
Back in the 1990’s I became involved in Sasquatch in BC, as I had an experience of hearing one up in Kookanee Glacier while camping.
So I would ask around a simple question: ” If I said Sasquatch, what would you say”, so one day I was hitching a ride to college in Nelson, BC, I was a mature student, I was picked up by a First Nations fellow and on the ride into town I asked him the same question. He looked at me and said that he had an experience in Algonquin Park while camping. He was just letting the fire burn down when a noise startled him about 10 ft away. He looked up and saw an enormous hand come out of the bush and pushed itself up, head and body into faint light from campfire and walked away, he recognized who this was and was happy that one showed himself to my First Nations driver.
Keep up the learning, and again thanks.
I also have seen only one footprint in the dried mud along side a small creek near Kootenay River close to Canal Flats. I have a photo. No other track was found on the small trail used by cows- free ranging.
Awesome, thanks for sharing that Robert. They can move up on us in complete silence, even on a dead still night.
Thank you for confirming and showing the world the truth.
The word ”Oo Oo” means thank you in their language. They do follow you home and they are very playful and fiercely protective.
They mainly use telepathy, which is gets rid of language. Beautiful people my bush friends.
Love what you share.. your heart is true.. and the ones that believe.. are the ones that matter .. also having open minds and seek the truth.. free thinker ..we all connect with the light🙏❤️🦋
I’ve had a few visits in my home over the last five years. Most recently a pop sound right next to us. So subtle we didn’t even break our conversation. Also a smeared finger print on a inner door window in a dot-dot-smear-dot-dot pattern. This was after I ‘asked’ for a drawing to be left when they next visit.
I Just read the “Patience and an open mind” article and it was great. Thanks Mike.