Bill Scott, the father of Dwayne was present for many of our visits throughout the time I’ve spent documenting Sasquatch activity on their family property. Bill was a kind man, honest with a gentle nature who loved spending time with his dog Abby up at his family cottage in Kawartha Lakes region of Ontario, Canada. Bill always did his own thing while Dwayne and I committed ourselves to documenting the ongoing activity.

I remember the first time I met Bill, I’d made a visit to the cottage with Dwayne and his father present, my intention staying in a tent for the night to see if any activity would show up. We’d sat around talking that night and I would ask questions about their past history in an attempt to connect any dots that could reveal information regarding a history of Sasquatch presence. That night around 1am I would walk up the single lane gravel road and step into the dark forest to spend the night in my tent. It was the first and only time I’ve witnessed a large glowing eye starting back at me, likely peeking from behind a tree. I had a small led flashlight which was far too weak to penetrate the darkness that surrounded my tent area close to where I witnessed the glowing orange eye staring back at me. It’s said that Sasquatch eyes glow like there’s a light turned on from the inside. It’s far beyond the reflection like you see when you shine a flashlight at the eyes of an animal. There was an eerie feeling being witness to that, a bit unnerving to say the least. That night I would end up turning around and spending the night sleeping on the couch in the cottage. I wasn’t ready to experience something like that. It takes a bit of getting used to their presence as I’m sure anyone who gets this close would agree.

It was back in the Fall of 2015 that Chris Munch (Film Directer/Producer of Letters From The Big Man) would visit and spend three nights on location witnessing some fantastic incidents that showed him the true nature of Sasquatch presence. He’d never experienced anything to that degree prior. During Chris’s visit he interviewed Bill who spoke freely, sharing his experiences and some of his insights into the activity that his family has experienced there over the years. The above audio file is Bill Scott’s full interview given during Chris’s visit. It’s more validation of the experiences we’ve posted about over the years regarding the high strangeness that comes with Sasquatch presence and their interactions. Their interdimensional nature is something that is unique and shocking to anyone that is first given contact experience from their people. Bill Scott passed away in the Fall of 2015.