This journey has been a lifetime, something that showed up in my life at a young age, although I didn’t know it until well into my 40’s. It all started from childhood, something I wouldn’t realize until connecting the dots through a multitude of experiences in recent years that have enabled me to learn and grow. This reality, this truth that has eluded so many who search, is finally coming to light through the open minds of those involved that wish for nothing more than answers and truth.
The Bigfoot Community at large is divided with a growing number who are coming to the realization that there’s much more to this enigma than just some ape the woods who can hide real well. My own growing circle of friends and knowers have experienced the continued exposure of abilities that our forest friends display, showing there’s MUCH more to this existence than what the masses have been manipulated to believe. There truly is magic in this world that can open one’s mind to the endless possibilities of a connected consciousness. We ARE all one, connected to everything in existence, all that holds energy.
There’s an unseen multidimensional existence that surrounds us at all times, one that holds truth and a likely multitude of intelligent life, some of who choose to make contact with those of us who are open and willing to accept. The human race is on the cusp of a reveal so grand that science will have to rewrite the books.
Why do so many avoid the truth and reality of this subject? Why do so many fear speaking out about their experiences simply because they delve into a world that doesn’t suit their perceived logic? Why do so many close their minds to something that we really don’t know much about yet base assumptions on our conditioned human construct? Why do so many simply say NO, IMPOSSIBLE! The thought of an interdimensional hominid that is far more advanced in their consciousness that they’re able to manipulate energy, appear anywhere, speak in your mind, physically touch you without visual and so much more is continually denied by so many involved, including mainstream science.
I’ve learned this 3D realm is entirely manipulated to suit the agendas of those who do not have our best interests at heart. Those who simply don’t get it, those who can’t see will read this and think I’m off my rocker. It’s truly the other way around, those who are blind and conditioned to a manipulated mindset that can’t pull themselves out of the deep end. Our world is being locked down, our freedom and democracy a pseudo perception as we watch it dissolve in front of our eyes. When will humans wake the hell up and see truth? I have a feeling that there’s some big changes coming in our future as those with their dark agendas push harder, imposing their rules of law, enabling their power over us as we allow it to happen. We’re being manipulated in all facets of our lives, a one world government plan in effect as they continue to mandate and impose their psychological, biological and economic warfare on the human race. Can’t see it? Wake the hell up already then! Are you that weak minded that you can’t pull your head out of the sand and see the true reality being shoved down our throats? This ISN’T the way life is supposed to be.
There is a darkness that has shrouded our existence for a very long time. They continue to unravel their plan in effect and you can’t see it. My faith comes knowing there are higher advanced beings in contact with a growing number who are being shown truth. I believe there’s going to be some major shift in our collective consciousness in the near future, an exposure of truth and reality that will shatter the lies and deception that has enveloped our existence forever. The egos of men and their dark agendas will be exposed and the world at large will finally see
I’ve been involved in this subject for close to a dozen years now. I’ve been given a glimpse into something so extraordinary that it’s extremely difficult to fathom for most. The continued compiling of supporting evidence, worldwide encounters and sightings of a large hairy bipedal hominid that refuses to fizzle even as so many continue to deny and proclaim it all as one big elaborate hoax. There must be some other explanation! The only other explanation is you who deny are locked in your own mind, you refuse to see and it’s ALL YOU.
I was blessed with coming into a situation back in 2012 where I was invited in to investigate a private property for apparent Sasquatch activity. The sightings and strange happenings through the years incited questions and an investigation ensued that has since solidified the reality of an interdimensional family of beneovlent human types who have allowed myself and the property owner to document their ongoing contact with us. The ugly part of all this has been the persistent involvement of infiltration, stalking, harassment and trespassing.
I personally caught red handed, a pair of individuals trespassing on private land, one who is a Toronto BFRO (or BSRO) as I like to call them (BULLSHIT RESEARCH ORGANIZATION) member, Todd Prescott. This individual has been nothing but a thorn in my side, a mentally unstable, obsessed and persistent small minded supposed researcher in this field. He’s had over 2 decades of searching for Sasquatch and achieved absolutely nothing. He’s portrayed himself as nothing more than a jealous, small minded cowardly infintile, hiding behind fake social media ID’s and creating a plethora of slander videos filled with twisted lies that show who he truly is, an amateur and egocentric narcissist who assumes a position of knowledge when he has ZERO true experience. A detriment to this subject, one who is directly linked to the demise of when I had an ongoing dialogue involving consecutive visits where our forest friend Nefatia would call out to me and allow me to document some of the most incredible audio captured to date of authentic Sasquatch vocals. We’ve been able to show them as the people they are. YES, they can speak English and YES, they ARE an invisible race with an ability to materialize and disappear at will, ANYWHERE.
This BSRO organization that so many look up to as informed and experienced, deny truth and shun those who get this close. A growing number see this organization cannot be trusted, their only agenda to line their wallets with organized groups of people, each paying hundreds of dollars to bring their own equipment and their own food. Pay to bang on some trees and holler like a bunch of deranged lunatics, but you get a location! They abide by a flesh and blood only rule and admonish those who support the interdimensional faction of this subject. They have members like Todd Prescott who infiltrate and create lies to deter others from their own true experiences. The BSRO is an UGLY organization created by a dismissive tyrant Matt Moneymaker. He’s another detriment to the subject who has made his name discrediting others. This is the reality of this subject, the egos of men who have nothing, so they lie and do dirty deeds to slander others and do their diligence to make a name for themselves, albeit one that is worthless as the experiences they have pale in comparison to the truth being exposed by others who have ongoing contact.
I’ve personally captured audio sounding identical to Todd Prescott at my vehicle as it’s parked outside the cottage (that would infer trespassing). I have audio of individuals trying to break into my vehicle to most likely steal my audio recorder as they realized they were captured on audio by the inconspicuous black foam piece covering the microphones that I run through my sunroof. They didn’t see it in the dark. These people like Todd Prescott are cowards, they hide their true identity, spineless with nefarious intent towards those of us who have the real deal, those of us who’ve been given something so grand that disgraceful people involved have to commit acts of criminal stalking and harassment. The beautiful part of all this is that TRUTH PREVAILS.

Well written and well said. As the truth unfolds, you’ll be there while others stomp and whine. Keep the faith, keep seeking answers, keep in touch, and by the way, where’s that book?
Great article Mike. A shame you need to write it tho. Wish these losers were not around provoking you and threatening you and Dwayne, and Nef and his family. I am truly sorry that you have to deal with all this crap. I am following you from Australia and always look forward to your updates and news of your friends. The genuine affection you share often brings me to tears, it’s just so beautiful. Keep fighting the good fight. And yes I do believe the world is full of amazing things, even more than can be imagined. The light, and the truth, will prevail.
I agree wit every word in this post by Mike Paterson. I have come to the same conclusions buy by a different path.
I too, seek the Truth, and follow Mike because he is one who has dedicated his lifes work on finding the Truth.
— Mike,
I have information which should interest you but don’t want to post it here. I will find a more personal way to get it to you.
Highest Regards
Ron Medcalf
I support your hard work in this field. I also am an BF experiencer. I don’t have your courage to pitch a tent in the woods. I have had sightings since I was very young also. Some in broad daylight and others at night. I would say 50/50. They had me feed two young ones for a summer after a fire killed the mother. I complied with that request. I was surprised that they would only eat junk food. I guess they like sugar. It wouldn’t be my nutritional choice. I started out with peanut butter sandwiches which they took a bite out and threw in the yard. There is more to this story. I am just giving you the headlines. I heard you and the owner are no longer on the property due to it changing hands. Is that a rumor? Keep up your wonderful work.
Hey Parsell, the property is still in the same family and I still interact with Nef’s family and work with Dwayne when we get the opportunity.
As you already know they can disappear right in front of you because it’s happened to you. & As you know they can go threw walls & host bodies to have sex. Just getting them to be nice & stop all of it is another thing. Your welcome to come check the activity out if you like. We have private property. I’m half owner of our home. Just let me know when you decide to come.